Tuesday, March 28, 2023
5th Edition of International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials a...
5th Edition of International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Nano Chemtrails | Nanotechnology Conferences
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
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#Nanocomposites #Nanomagnetism #NanomaterialsforEnergy #Nanobiotechnology #Nanotheranostics #Nanomaterials #Nanotechnology
Friday, March 17, 2023
3D femtosecond snapshots of single nanoparticles
(Nanowerk News) ETH researchers have managed to take three-dimensional pictures of single nanoparticles using extremely short and strong X-ray pulses. In the future this technique could even be used to make 3D-movies of dynamical processes at the nanoscale.
X-ray diffraction has been used for more than a hundred years to understand the structure of crystals or proteins – for instance, in 1952 the well-known double helix structure of the DNA that carries genetic information was discovered in this way. In this technique, the object under investigation is bombarded with short-wavelength X-ray beams. The diffracted beams then interfere and thus create characteristic diffraction patterns from which one can gain information about the shape of the object.For several years now it has been possible to study even single nanoparticles in this way, using very short and extremely intense X-ray pulses. However, this typically only yields a two-dimensional image of the particle. A team of researchers led by ETH professor Daniela Rupp, together with colleagues at the universities of Rostock and Freiburg, the TU Berlin and DESY in Hamburg, have now found a way to also calculate the three-dimensional structure from a single diffraction pattern, so that one can “look” at the particle from all directions. In the future it should even be possible to make 3D-movies of the dynamics of nanostructures in this way.
The results of this research have recently been published in the scientific journal Science Advances ("Three-dimensional femtosecond snapshots of isolated faceted nanostructures").
From the diffraction patterns (red) of X-ray pulses (grey), with which nanoparticles are bombarded, researchers at ETH can calculate three-dimensional images. (Illustration: ETH Zürich / Daniela Rupp)
Daniela Rupp has been assistant professor at ETH Zurich since 2019, where she leads the research group “Nanostructures and ultra-fast X-ray science”. Together with her team she tries to better understand the interaction between very intense X-ray pulses and matter. As a model system they use nanoparticles, which they also investigate at the Paul Scherrer Institute.
“For the future there are great opportunities at the new Maloja instrument, on which we were the first user group to external pagemake measurements at the beginning of last yearcall_made. Right now our team there is activating the attosecond mode, with which we can even observe the dynamics of electrons,” says Rupp.
A deeper view into dynamical processes
The recently published work is an important step towards that future, as postdoctoral researcher Alessandro Colombo explains: “With this work, we open a window on studies of dynamical processes of the extremely small particles in the femtosecond regime.”
The problem with X-ray diffraction using very intense pulses is that the objects under investigation evaporate immediately after the bombardment – “diffract and destroy” in the researchers’ jargon. Since this means that only a single snapshot of the nanoparticle can be made, of course one would like to obtain as much information as possible from it.
To compute more than a 2D image from the diffraction pattern, up to now one had to impose on the computer algorithm some strongly limiting assumptions on the shape of the nanoparticle, for instance its symmetry. However, in this way any fine detail of the particle that deviates from those assumptions remains hidden. Moreover, with those algorithms many adjustments had to be made by hand.
Improved algorithm
“This is where our new method comes in”, says Rupp: “With our new algorithm, which uses a very efficient simulation method and a clever optimization strategy, we can automatically produce 3D images of the nanoparticle without having to impose specific requirements. This allows us to see even tiny irregularities, which can arise from the growth process of the particle.”
To achieve 3D resolution, the researchers at ETH do not just use that part of the diffraction pattern which is diffracted by a small angle of a few degrees, as has been customary up to now, but also the wide-angle part of 30 degrees or more. This means, of course, that the amount of information to be retrieved increases enormously, but the improved algorithm can cope even with that.
In this way, from the diffraction patterns of single silver nanoparticles 70 nanometers in size that are bombarded with X-ray pulses lasting around 100 femtoseconds, Rupp’s team can now calculate 3D pictures that show the particles from different angles.
Snapshots in free flight
“Up to now we were missing that third dimension”, says Rupp,”but now we can investigate many processes either for the first time or with unprecedented precision, for instance, how nanoparticles melt in a few picoseconds or how nanorods accumulate to form larger objects."
The crucial point is that the snapshots can be taken in free flight in vacuum, without having to fix the nanoparticles on a surface, as is done in electron microscopy. Moreover, many kinds of particles cannot even be put on a surface because they are too fragile or short-lived. But even those samples that can be studied with an electron microscope are considerably influenced by their interaction with the surface. In free flight, on the other hand, melting or aggregation processes can be studied without any disturbance.
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
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Blog: https://nanotechconferences2022.blogspot.com/
#Nanocomposites #Nanomagnetism #NanomaterialsforEnergy #Nanobiotechnology #Nanotheranostics #Nanomaterials #Nanotechnology
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Controlling the degree of twist in nanostructured particles
Nanowerk News) Micron-sized “bow ties,” self-assembled from nanoparticles, form a variety of different curling shapes that can be precisely controlled, a research team led by the University of Michigan has shown (Nature, "Photonically active bowtie nanoassemblies with chirality continuum").The development opens the way for easily producing materials that interact with twisted light, providing new tools for machine vision and producing medicines.While biology is full of twisted structures like DNA, known as chiral structures, the degree of twist is locked in—trying to change it breaks the structure. Now, researchers can engineer the degree of twist.![]() An array of different growth conditions, spanning from left-handed twists made with only left-handed cystine to flat pancakes made with a 50-50 mix to right-handed twists made only with right-handed cystine. The ability to control the degree of twist in a curling, nanostructured material could be a useful new tool in chemistry and machine vision. (Image: Prashant Kumar, Kotov Lab, University of Michigan)The graphic shows light waves approaching the twisted metal bowties and being turned by the bowtie shape. The ability to control the degree of twist in a curling, nanostructured material could be a useful new tool in chemistry and machine vision. Image credit: Ella Maru Studio.The graphic shows light waves approaching the twisted metal bowties and being turned by the bowtie shape. The ability to control the degree of twist in a curling, nanostructured material could be a useful new tool in chemistry and machine vision. Image credit: Ella Maru Studio.Such materials could enable robots to accurately navigate complex human environments. Twisted structures would encode information in the shapes of the light waves that reflect from the surface, rather than in the 2D arrangement of symbols that comprises most human-read signs. This would take advantage of an aspect of light that humans can barely sense, known as polarization. The twisted nanostructures preferentially reflect certain kinds of circularly polarized light, a shape that twists as it moves through space.“It is basically like polarization vision in crustaceans,” said Nicholas Kotov, the Irving Langmuir Distinguished University Professor of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, who led the study. “They pick up a lot of information in spite of murky environments.”Robots could read signs that look like white dots to human eyes; the information would be encoded in the combination of frequencies reflected, the tightness of the twist and whether the twist was left- or right-handed. ![]() The graphic shows light waves approaching the twisted metal bowties and being turned by the bowtie shape. The ability to control the degree of twist in a curling, nanostructured material could be a useful new tool in chemistry and machine vision. (Image: Ella Maru Studio)By avoiding the use of natural and ambient light, relying instead on circularly polarized light generated by the robot, robots are less likely to miss or misinterpret a cue, whether in bright or dark environments. Materials that can selectively reflect twisted light, known as chiral metamaterials, are usually hard to make—but the bow ties aren’t.“Previously, chiral metasurfaces have been made with great difficulty using multimillion dollar equipment. Now, these complex surfaces with multiple attractive uses can be printed like a photograph,” Kotov said.Twisted nanostructures may also help create the right conditions to produce chiral medicines, which are challenging to manufacture with the correct molecular twist.“What hasn’t been seen in any chiral systems before is that we can control the twist from a fully twisted left-handed structure to a flat pancake to a fully twisted right-handed structure. We call this a chirality continuum,” said Prashant Kumar, a U-M postdoctoral research fellow in chemical engineering and first author of the study.Kumar tested the bow ties as a sort of paint, mixing them with polyacrylic acid and dabbing them onto glass, fabric, plastic and other materials. Experiments with lasers showed that this paint reflected twisted light only when the twist in the light matched the twist in the bow tie shape. ![]() Micron-scale bowties with candy-wrapper twists in a colorized electron microscope image. The ability to control the degree of twist in a curling, nanostructured material could be a useful new tool in chemistry and machine vision. (Image: Prashant Kumar, Kotov Lab, University of Michigan)The bow ties are made by mixing cadmium metal and cystine, a protein fragment that comes in left- and right-handed versions, in water spiked with lye. If the cystine was all left-handed, left-handed bow ties formed, and right-handed cystine yielded right-handed bow ties—each with a candy-wrapper twist.But with different ratios of left-and right-handed cystine, the team made intermediate twists, including the flat pancake at a 50-50 ratio. The pitch of the tightest bow ties, basically the length of a 360-degree turn, is about 4 microns long—within infrared light’s range of wavelengths.“Not only do we know the progression from the atomic scale all the way up to the micron-scale of the bow ties, we also have theory and experiments that show us the guiding forces. With that fundamental understanding, you can design a bunch of other particles,” said Thi Vo, a former U-M postdoctoral researcher in chemical engineering.He worked with Sharon Glotzer, co-corresponding author of the study and the Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering at U-M.In contrast with other chiral nanostructures, which can take days to self-assemble, the bow ties formed in just 90 seconds. The team produced 5,000 different shapes within the bow tie spectrum. They studied the shapes in atomic detail using X-rays at Argonne National Laboratory ahead of the simulation analysis. International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid) Visit : https://nanotechnology-conferences.sciencefather.com Blog: https://nanotechconferences2022.blogspot.com/ #Nanocomposites #Nanomagnetism #NanomaterialsforEnergy #Nanobiotechnology #Nanotheranostics #Nanomaterials #Nanotechnology |
Smart nanotechnology for more accurate delivery of insulin
Smart nanotechnology for more accurate delivery of insulin
More efficient and longer lasting glucose-responsive insulin that eliminates the need for people with type 1 diabetes to measure their glucose levels could be a step closer thanks to a Monash University-led project.
Published in the world-leading journal Advanced Materials, the preclinical study engineered a superior artificial pancreas system to release insulin precisely and smartly only when the body actually needs it, making control of blood glucose more reliable.
The researchers from Monash University, RMIT University, The University of Melbourne and the Baker Institute developed a system that responds to glucose, which current insulin does not.
Co-first author Dr Rong Xu, from the Monash University Central Clinical School’s Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, and Dr Sukhvir Kaur Bhangu from RMIT University and the University of Melbourne said if it worked in humans, only two injections would be needed per day.
Current insulin therapy requires people to monitor their blood sugar throughout the day and take multiple, carefully calculated doses based on food intake, exercise, stress, illness and other factors.
Some must inject themselves up to five times a day. Continuous glucose monitoring devices remove, or at least reduce, the need for finger pricks, and insulin pumps can automatically deliver insulin, but they are very expensive and still are not always able to calculate the correct amount of insulin to be given.
The multidisciplinary team developed a new ‘artificial pancreas system’ using phytoglycogen nanoparticles, which are chains on glucose molecules dubbed a ‘nanosugar platform’ as they are made of glucose, to deliver and release insulin in response to glucose levels in the blood.
This engineered nanosugar platform enabled rapid and sustained glucose-responsive insulin delivery, which was longer lasting and smarter than other systems.
Dr Xu said it required only one injection every 12 hours and self-regulated. “This system would mean fewer injections and, potentially, no need to measure glucose,” Dr Xu said.
The research emerged froman NHMRC Ideas Grant awarded to co-lead author and Head of Monash University’s Australian Centre for Blood Diseases NanoBiotechnology Laboratory, Professor Christoph Hagemeyer, co-lead author and RMIT Associate Professor Francesca Cavalieri, and co-author Professor Frank Caruso at the University of Melbourne to develop this revolutionary type of insulin.
Professor Hagemeyer said more research was needed but the results were promising. He said the nanosugar platform was biodegradable, which enabled rapid and extended glucose control in two different models of type 1 diabetes with a single injection.
“The nanosugar particles are engineered to control insulin release and absorption through the lymphatic system into the blood,” he said.
Professor Cavalieri said the research team, which includes several clinicians, now hoped to secure funding to continue the project and eventually undertake clinical trials. “This new method is not only efficient, it’s biodegradable and uses natural methods, which significantly reduces the chances of adverse affects or immune reactions,” she said.
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
Visit : https://nanotechnology-conferences.sciencefather.com
Blog: https://nanotechconferences2022.blogspot.com/
#Nanocomposites #Nanomagnetism #NanomaterialsforEnergy #Nanobiotechnology #Nanotheranostics #Nanomaterials #Nanotechnology
Monday, March 13, 2023
Green Synthesized Nanoparticles and Applications | Nanotechnology Confer...
Green Synthesized Nanoparticles and Applications | Nanotechnology Conferences
International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
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Thursday, March 9, 2023
Researchers call for better nanowaste management
Researchers call for better nanowaste management
Waste containing nanomaterials—or nanowaste—is an emerging safety concern worldwide, requiring environmentally sound management and regulation that still need to be established. Researchers at the University of Fribourg point out the gaps and provide first solutions for guidance.
Nanowaste includes manufacturing waste materials, end-of-life nano-enabled products, and waste (unintentionally) contaminated with engineered nanomaterials. More than 60 percent of engineered nanomaterials (up to 300,000 tons annually, and not including nanoplastics) are estimated to end up in landfill. And while there are currently no global definitions or classifications for nanomaterials or nanowaste, there is a need for tangible solutions related to risk assessment, categorization, labeling, collection, storage, transport, recycling, and elimination.
In a commentary in Nature Nanotechnology, researchers from the Adolphe Merkle Institute's BioNanomaterials group, along with colleagues from the University of Fribourg and EPFL, are advocating for awareness of the issue, and the need for technical and legally binding nanowaste guidelines strictly based on the precautionary principle. These should rely on state-of-the-art knowledge of nanomaterial behavior, and a lenient definition of nanomaterials.
Developing these initial guidelines requires case-by-case risk assessments of the specific nanowastes generated, a detailed understanding of national and international hazardous waste and materials regulations, and collaboration with laboratory staff to derive user-friendly ways to collect, store, and eliminate this waste.
As the researchers point out, a series of measures have already been implemented, in collaboration with the University of Fribourg safety officers, at the Adolphe Merkle Institute. These include proper labeling and storage, due to the absence of nanowaste-specific regulations, according to national and international hazardous material legislation, detailed guidelines on how to dispose of nanowaste correctly, and consolidation of this waste into a few legally permissible categories.
For research laboratories, such guidelines are especially important due to the high complexity of the waste generated, the presence of a great variety of untested materials, and the many different laboratory users, say the authors. More explicit rules for nanowaste, such as specific pictograms, could also help to harmonize nanowaste management in industry, prevent the misclassification of dangerous substances into nonhazardous categories, and avoid unintentional exposure of people and the environment to hazardous nanomaterials.
The recommendations presented in the article are targeted at researchers and policymakers in academia and industry. To protect human health and the environment, the authors urge increased awareness and action to manage nanowaste, as well as the explicit inclusion of nanowaste management into multinational agreements. They also caution policymakers to avoid double standards that would stifle the replacement of more hazardous conventional chemicals with novel, less harmful and degradable nanomaterials.
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
Computational Investigation of Tuning the Electronic Ability and Feature...
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Nanomaterials in Aerospace | Nanotechnology Conferences
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
New Nanotechnology Platform Makes Cancer Cell Responded for Immunotherap...
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
4th Edition of NANO | 27-28 March 2023| Malaysia (Hybrid)
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(Nanowerk News) ETH researchers have managed to take three-dimensional pictures of single nanoparticles using extremely short and strong X-r...