Monday, September 25, 2023

Perception of nanotechnology may depend on where you live

When you hear the term "nanotechnology," what image comes to mind? A medically enhanced athlete capable of superhuman feats? A Michael Crichton-esque horror show of swarming, self-replicating nanobots, as depicted in his 2002 novel "Prey"?

As Paul Youngman, professor of German at Washington and Lee University, and student researchers Matthew Bittner and Curtis Correll learned this summer, your perception of nanotechnology—the manipulation of extremely small particles to make materials and machines—may depend on where you live.

"Nanotechnology is an emerging science that we don't completely have a handle on, and our premise is always that science is never divorced from the larger culture at hand," said Youngman. "What we're doing is analyzing the cultural reception of nanotechnology as it exists right now. It's a comparative study between German and U.S. reception."

Rhetoric and public perception affect how nanotechnology is funded and regulated. Youngman's book-in-progress, "National Nanotechnologies: Nanodiscourse in Germany and the United States," compares rhetoric from a variety of sources in both countries. The book also examines nano imagery.

He focuses on Germany and the U.S. because they are the largest investors in nanoscience and technology (NST) in the European Union and North America, and the countries have partnered on numerous commercial and academic NST endeavors. Youngman is collaborating with Ljiljana Fruk, group leader at the Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Matthew Bittner, a rising senior who is a biology and German double major, from Voorhees, N.J., spent the summer analyzing and comparing television media coverage. In Germany, the scientific newsmagazine Nano spotlights nanoscience and emerging technologies. The show airs alongside other news programs. In the U.S., nanoscience is not featured regularly in the news. When U.S. broadcasters do run nanoscience stories, the coverage tends to be more sensational, said Bittner, whose research was funded by the W&L German Department.

"The Germans will look more at the short-term effect of science and technology—more realistic expectations," said Bittner. American shows, while realistic, tend to look further into the future, and they highlight the most breathtaking possibilities.

One memorable American video spotlighted the potential power of medical nanobots.

"You could have nanobots—medical nanobots—in your body that allow you to do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath," Bittner said. "It's exciting, really captivating. And it creates a large audience for the program."

Curtis Correll, an economics and German and double major, from Memphis, Tenn., spent several weeks at CFN in Karlsruhe studying the ethics, usefulness and reliability of nano imagery. The rising junior's research was funded by W&L's Robert E. Lee Summer Scholars Program and a Johnson Opportunity Grant.

Correll watched an atomic force microscope (AFM) create nano images, a process called scanning probing microscopy. A probe uses electromagnetic waves to create a relief image of the nanoparticles, which are smaller than a wavelength of light and invisible to the human eye. This image is processed by computer software, which creates a final likeness.

"Some people call into question whether these images are truly reliable because they're not raw data," said Correll. Nano imagery initially appears in black and white. Scientists add colors and shadows to create contrasts for easier viewing. The choice of colors, however, can affect how the image is received.

The most controversial image Correll studied was an exploding nanowire. "It's imaged in yellow-orange color scales, which makes it look like nuclear bombs going off on this background that looks like a peaceful ocean," recalled Correll. "So people see that and think, 'Oh my gosh, when we have nanotechnology everywhere, there will be little bombs going off every place.' " When imaged in

Both students relished delving into an emerging area of science. For Correll, observing the scientists create the nano images in Karlsruhe was especially memorable. "Not many people get to watch that," said Correll. "I would sit, for eight hours at a time in some instances, just watching them do their work, and it was fascinating."

Bittner, who is pre-med, enjoyed learning about potential medical advancements. "[These shows] always talked about how we could have these nanobots inside of our body that could instantly deliver drugs and repair wounds. Stuff like that I find to be particularly futuristic and cool to think about, like how much longer could we live with these things?"

Considerations about what it means to be human are what drew Youngman to the field of nanotechnology. In Western philosophies, humans have typically seen themselves as an entity separate from their environment and from surrounding tools and technologies. This dichotomy gives order to the world and makes it seem more controllable.

The concept of separateness is muddied, however, when nanoparticles are absorbed into the body through the skin. When this happens, the skin acts like an interface, not a barrier, between the body and the outside world. The separation becomes even less clear as human-made nanoparticles meld with body parts. "That's my theme in all of my writing. What is the line between human and technological?" said Youngman.

Perhaps we should fear the blurring of this line. Or perhaps nanoparticles are simply the next creation in a long line of tools—from hammers to cell phones—that have aided humankind. Youngman's book explores the discourse that springs from these questions.

11th Edition of International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | 19-20 October 2023 | Paris, France (Hybrid)


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Hedgehog particles and other amazing nanotechnology images

Here is another installment of our collection of amazing images from nanotechnology labs from all over the world. You can find other nanotechnology images here.

Visualization methods provide an important tool in materials science for the analysis and presentation of scientific work. Images can often convey information in a way that tables of data or equations cannot match. Occasionally, scientific images transcend their role as a medium for transmitting information, and contain the aesthetic qualities that transform them into objects of beauty and art.

As a special feature of recent MRS Meetings, the MRS has offered the popular Science as Art competitions, with entry open to all registered meeting attendees. The images below represent the winners of the 2013 MRS Spring Meeting Science as Art competition.

"Hedgehog" Particles – particles with nano-scale corrugation are sculpted by interfacial growth of rigid ZnO nanowires on polymeric microspheres. (Image courtesy of the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition and Joong Hwan Bahng, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)

Nano Flowers – Zinc-doped tin oxide nano-flowers grown by hydrothermal method. (Image courtesy of the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition and Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Nanyang Technological University)

Tetraaniline in Full Bloom – A SEM image of a thin-sheet network composed of doped aniline oligomers. The aggregated sheets in the upper right corner forms a cluster that mimics the look of a flower, whereas other flexible sheets represents leaves and stems. The background and the "leaves" were kept in black and white to give prominence to the beauty and brightness of the "flower". Scientifically, this morphology combines high surface area and electrical conductivity, rendering it ideal for organic supercapacitors and sensors. (Image courtesy of the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition and Yue Wang, University of California, Los Angeles)

On the Beach, At Night – A composite of three scanning electron microscope images taken at different focal lengths of a carbonized silicon nanowire array. Utilizing the NovelX mySEM low voltage imaging system, the near and far range images were taken with standard backscatter collection while the middle range image was taken using the Topo mode in order to capture the relief of the silicon "dunes". The three images were combined and colorized in photoshop. This scene takes its name from the Walt Whitman poem which describes the interconnected nature of the Universe, and the "vast similitude that interlocks all." While we work on the nanoscale, our efforts have impact on the way humans interact with the world on the macroscale. As well we find reflections of our macro world forms in the shapes and forms of the nano one. (Image courtesy of the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition and John Alper, University of California, Berkeley)

Fanning Crystal Unexpected crystals of iron sulfides by Scanning Electron Microscopy. (Image courtesy of the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition and Diana Mars, San Francisco State University)

11th Edition of International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | 19-20 October 2023 | Paris, France (Hybrid)


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Thursday, September 21, 2023

New nanotech identifies chemical composition and structure of impurities in air, liquid and living tissue

 Can rainbows monitor the environment?

Using conventional testing techniques, it can be challenging—sometimes impossible—to detect harmful contaminants such as nano-plastics, air pollutants and microbes in living organisms and natural materials. These contaminants are sometimes found in such tiny quantities that tests are unable to reliably pick them up.

This may soon change, however. Emerging nanotechnology (based on a "twisted" state of light) promises to make it easier to identify the chemical composition of impurities and their geometrical shape in samples of air, liquid and live tissue.

An international team of scientists led by physicists at the University of Bath is contributing toward this technology, which may pave the way to new environmental monitoring methods and advanced medicines. Their work is published in the journal Advanced Materials.

The emerging chemical-detection technique is based on a light-matter interaction known as the Raman effect. The Raman effect occurs when a material that is illuminated at a certain color of light scatters and changes the light into a multitude of slightly different colors. It essentially produces a mini-rainbow that is dependent on how atoms within materials vibrate.

Measuring the colors of the Raman rainbow reveals individual atomic bonds because molecular bonds have distinct vibrational patterns. Each bond within a material produces its own unique color change from that of the illumination. Altogether, the colors in the Raman rainbow serve to detect, analyze and monitor the chemical composition (chemical bonds) of complex molecules, such as those found within mixtures of environmental pollutants.

"The Raman effect serves to detect pesticides, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, heavy metals, pathogens and bacteria. It's also used for analyzing individual atmospheric aerosols that impact human health and the climate," said Dr. Robin Jones from the Department of Physics at Bath, who is the first-author of the study.

Harmful pollutants

Expanding, co-author Professor Liwu Zhang from the Department of Environmental Science at Fudan University in China said, "Aquatic pollutants, even in trace amounts, can accumulate in living organisms through the biological chain. This poses a threat to human health, animal welfare and wildlife. Generally, it is really hard to know exactly what the chemical composition of complex mixtures are."

Professor Ventsislav Valev from Bath, who led the study, added, "Understanding complex, potentially harmful pollutants in the environment is necessary, so that we can learn how to break them down into harmless components. But it is not all about what atoms they are made of. The way the atoms are arranged matters a lot—it can be decisive for how molecules act, especially within living organisms.

"Our work aims to develop new ways in which the Raman effect can tell us about the way atoms are arranged in space and now we have taken an important technological step using tiny helix shaped antennas made of gold."

The Raman effect is very weak—only one out of 1,000,000 photons (light particles) undergo the color change. In order to enhance it, scientists use miniature antennas fabricated at the nanoscale that channel the incident light into the molecules. Often these antennas are made of precious metals and their design is limited by nanofabrication capabilities.

The team at Bath used the smallest helical antennas ever employed: their length is 700 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair and the width of the antennas is 2,800 times smaller. These antennas were made from gold by scientists in the team of Professor Peer Fischer at the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

"Our measurements show these helical antennas help to get a lot of Raman rainbow photons out of molecules," said Dr. Jones. "But more importantly, the helical shape enhances the difference between two types of light that are often used to probe the geometry of molecules. These are known as circularly polarized light.

"Circularly polarized light can be left-handed or right-handed and our helices can, basically, handshake with light. And because we can make the helices twist to the left or to the right, the handshake with light that we devised can be both with left or right hands."

"While such handshakes have been observed before, the key advance here is that we demonstrate for the first time that it is felt by molecules, as it affects their Raman rainbow. This is an important step that will allow us to distinguish efficiently and reliably between left- and right-handed molecules, first in the lab and then in the environment."

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From sheets to stacks, new nanostructures promise leap for advanced electronics

(Nanowerk News) Researchers at Tokyo Metropolitan University have successfully developed multi-layered nanostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) that form in-plane junctions. By growing multi-layered molybdenum disulfide structures from the edge of niobium-doped molybdenum disulfide shards, the scientists created a robust, bonded, planar heterostructure.

They demonstrated that these structures could be used to create new tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs), which are components in integrated circuits with ultra-low power consumption.

The research has been published in ACS Nano ("Multilayer In-Plane Heterostructures Based on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Advanced Electronics").

Field-effect transistors (FETs) are essential components in nearly all digital circuits, controlling the flow of current depending on the applied voltage. Although metal oxide semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs) currently dominate the market, researchers are searching for next-generation materials to create increasingly efficient and compact devices that use less power. Tunneling FETs (TFETs) represent a promising alternative, relying on quantum tunneling, which allows electrons to pass through seemingly impassable barriers due to quantum mechanical effects. However, developing a scalable implementation of this technology remains a challenge.

Under the guidance of Associate Professor Yasumitsu Miyata, the team at Tokyo Metropolitan University focused on creating nanostructures from transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), which are mixtures of transition metals and group 16 elements. TMDCs are ideal candidates for TFETs due to their unique properties. The researchers have achieved remarkable success in stitching together single-atom-thick layers of crystalline TMDC sheets, and they have now shifted their focus to multi-layered TMDC structures.

Employing chemical vapor deposition (CVD), the team demonstrated that they could grow a different TMDC from the edge of stacked crystalline planes mounted on a substrate, creating an in-plane junction with multiple layers. Previous work on TMDC junctions primarily involved monolayers stacked atop one another, as achieving high hole and electron concentrations required for TFETs had proven elusive with in-plane junctions.

(a) Scanning transmission electron microscopy picture of a multi-layered junction between tungsten diselenide and molybdenum disulfide. (b) Schematic of the circuit used to characterize the multi-layered p-n junction between niobium doped and undoped molybdenum disulfide. (c) Schematic of energy levels of conduction band minimum (Ec) and valence band maximum (Ev) across the junction. The Fermi level (EF) indicates the level to which electrons fill the energy levels at zero temperature. When a gate voltage is applied, electrons in the conductance band can tunnel across the interface. (d) Current-voltage curves as a function of gate voltage. The NDR trend can be clearly seen at higher gate voltages. (Image: Tokyo Metropolitan University).

After validating their technique using molybdenum disulfide grown from tungsten diselenide, the researchers turned to niobium-doped molybdenum disulfide, a p-type semiconductor. By growing out multi-layered structures of undoped molybdenum disulfide, an n-type semiconductor, the team created a thick p-n junction between TMDCs with exceptionally high carrier concentration. They also discovered that the junction exhibited a negative differential resistance (NDR) trend, a key feature of tunneling and a critical first step toward incorporating these nanomaterials into TFETs.

Notably, the team's method is scalable over large areas, making it suitable for circuit fabrication. This groundbreaking development holds great promise for the future of modern electronics, and it is anticipated that these innovative materials will find their way into various applications.

10th Edition of International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | 24-25 September 2023 | Mumbai, India (Hybrid)


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Nano Marvels Unveiled | Nanotechnology Conferences #nanomaterials #technology

Nano Marvels Unveiled | Nanotechnology Conferences #nanomaterials #technology #healthandfitness

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Title: Unveiling the Secrets of Crystals: An Introduction to X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

Introduction Have you ever wondered how scientists determine the internal structure of materials at the atomic level? X-ray Diffraction (XRD...