An unexpected antenna for nanoscale light sources
The fast switching and modulation of light is at the heart, among other things, of modern data transfer, in which information is sent through fibre optic cables in the shape of modulated light beams. It has been possible for several years now to miniaturise light modulators and to integrate them into chips, but the light sources themselves – light emitting diodes (LEDs) or lasers – still pose problems to engineers. A team of researchers at ETH Zurich led by Prof. Lukas Novotny, together with colleagues at EMPA in Dübendorf and at ICFO in Barcelona, have now found a new mechanism by which tiny but efficient light sources could be produced in the future.The results of their research have recently been published in the scientific journal Nature Materials ("Exciton-assisted electron tunnelling in van der Waals heterostructures"). Trying the unexpected“ To achieve this, we first had to try the unexpected”, says Novotny. For several years he and his coworkers have been working on miniature light sources that are based on the tunnel effect. Between two electrodes (made of gold and graphene in this case) separated by an insulating material, electrons can tunnel according to the rules of quantum mechanics. Under particular circumstances – that is, if the tunnel process is inelastic, meaning that the energy of the electrons is not conserved – light can be created.“Unfortunately, the yield of those light sources is rather poor because the radiative emission is very inefficient”, explains postdoc Sotirios Papadopoulos. This emission problem is well-known in other areas of technology. In mobile phones, for instance, the chips that create the microwaves needed for transmission are only a few millimetres in size. By contrast, the microwaves themselves have a wavelength of around 20 centimetres, which makes them a hundred times larger than the chip. To overcome this difference in size an antenna is needed (which, in modern phones, is actually no longer visible from the outside). Likewise, in the experiments of the Zurich researchers the wavelength of the light is much larger than the light source. Semiconductor outside the tunnel junction “One might think, then, that we were consciously looking for an antenna solution – but in reality we weren’t”, says Papadopoulos. Like other groups before them, the researchers were investigating layers of semiconductor materials such as tungsten disulfide with a thickness of a single atom sandwiched between the electrodes of the tunnel junction in order to create light in this way. In principle one would assume that the optimal position should be somewhere between the two electrodes, maybe a little closer to one than to the other. Instead, the researchers tried something completely different by putting the semiconductor on top of the graphene electrode – completely outside the tunnel junction.
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